Sunday 8 December 2013

More about the 'Bats'

Remember the bats that I told you about that fly across the sky at dawn and dusk?  Well I have learned more....
When we were out with John Buah and Clarence Kobi, I ask, "where do the bats come from?" (thinking that there must be some cliffs or something   off in the distant).    Anyway, he answered my question with an exact address.  I thought he had not understood my question so I ask again and got the  same address - the military  hospital.    It seems they all go there and hang out in the trees; sometimes getting so heavy on the branches that the branches break.   These bats are big.  

Apparently some environmentalists (yes, even in Africa) has decided they need protecting.  They are not allowed to kill them on the military property.  People can kill them elsewhere but not there.   So, if you can imagine -- there are thousands if not millions of bats hanging on the trees there everyday and then they fly off at night to find food.  Apparently they like to eat fruit like apples and papayas.     It is just hard to imagine the filth that they must cause over on the hospital grounds.  Anyway.....that is the deal with the bats.  Yuck!!!!

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