Sunday, 31 August 2014

Our Projects


I thought I would give you a run down of the projects we have submitted and are working on.  John Buah, our supervisor, has been encouraging us to spend the budget so between us and Elder and Sister Panter we have done that.  We still have a few projects to be submitted but we have identified them and have costs for them.  We have a budget of $550,000 for Area Initiatives for the West Africa Area.  Because the couples were new in Sierra Leone and Liberia they were working on open projects that were left by the preceding couples and didn't write up new ones.  That gave us a lot of budget to use here.   There is also budget for major initiatives like water, vision, wheelchairs, immunization and Neonatal resuscitation (help babies breathe).  Those projects can be pretty pricey (our current water project (32 wells/boreholes/rehabs) is worth about $250,000.  We are in the process of developing 3 more water projects for 2014 but they will each be approx. 15 wells each. 

Jim has a project that he developed.  Several months ago the Minister of Institutional Care wanted to talk to us.  He told us that they have new ambulances and have trained EMTs that keep the people alive, but when they get the people to the hospitals, they have no proper Emergency care and so too many die.  Jim talked to our people in SLC and they agreed this could be a good project and to go ahead and write up an Area Initiative to have a doctor visit and assess.  So Dr. Archibald, from Idaho, arrived Saturday.  Jim was with him yesterday and today as they visited some key people and hospitals.  Tomorrow he will fly to Kumasi with an assistant to the Director of Institutional Care and visit a big hospital there.  Thursday we will drive them to Winneba to do the same.  Dr. Archibald will decide if there is a project to be developed where the Church could bring doctors and do some training to help improve things.  Dr. Archibald and SLC were quite excited about this so we will see where it goes.

I didn't get this email finished so here it is Sunday already.  Dr. Archibald left last night.  He had a good week here, except for the day he spent in his hotel room sick.  He thinks there will be a good project here.  Dr. Kaba, in Accra, will put together a team and Dr. Archibald will put together a team and they will work together and try to do some training.  The idea will be to train a team here and that they will then train others and carry it forward.   

Some projects were are still writing up (waiting for some final information) are:
1) Drilling a borehole at a school in Kumasi (850 students) so they don't have to miss school when the go searching for water.
2) Furnish supplies to repair some ceilings in a Ward at a hospital in Cape Coast.  Also we want to repair 9 sinks/counters that were poorly made and are falling apart.  Whoever built the hospital used poor materials and due to the humidity here the cabinets have fallen apart.  I wrote this project up this past week and it has been submitted to the Area Presidency for approval.
3) There are some cholera problems here and we were approached about helping with materials (wheelbarrows, shovels, garbage bins, and such) for a cleanup.  John thinks we should do this one.  Since I started this email we have received two more requests for help with cholera and ebola. 
4) E/S Panter are doing a couple of projects in Jamestown (a very poor area by the ocean) to support street children.  There is a group there that have a small library and activities for children there.  They are doing a good work so we will support them with some books and and a strong canopy for some little nursery children.
5) Panters are writing up a project to supply materials to build two structures for schools out in a couple of Villages that desperately need it.  If there is enough money we will also buy some school supplies to help them at 4 schools. 
6) John Buah has also requested that a project be done to supply some Atmit (food supplement full of nutrition and vitamins)  to children in Benin (a country nearby). 
7) Solar Panels are being ordered for a Clinic out in the rural area where electricity is very unreliable and babies are delivered in the dark or by candle light.

Open Projects -  (Approved projects that we currently are working on.) 

That is a bit of a run-down. There are other projects as well.  I am going to write a separate email about our project with Bernice.

More to come.  Love, The Bullocks

1 comment:

  1. How exciting for you and those that are doing the projects. How interesting to read about them. Hope it goes well and that you find or pick the best projects for those that you serve. Amazing
