Today we met up with the Chief of this Village (sitting next to us at the table). He came to our apartment at 7 a.m. and he rode with us to his Village. Clarence also went with us since he is the manager of our water projects. It took us 4 hours to get there and the villagers were waiting for us. We met and Jim, Clarence and the Chief did some talking.......none was in English except for Jim's.
We will consider if they qualify for a borehole since LDS Charities does have some criteria that they must meet which helps to ensure the sustainability after it is done.
We were impressed with the Chief though and what he has done for his village and the people. He has lived in the USA for 20 years but is back to do business in Ghana and live here. He was asked by his home Village to be their Chief. He really cares about them. His wife is still in USA (nurse) and his two children are in University there. His wife is from Ghana too and will eventually join him here when their kids are settled in their lives.
We loved being in the Village. After the meeting we walked around and saw the boreholes (handpumps) that they have now but it isn't really adequate for 2000 plus people. We also saw a rice mill that the Chief has set up. The mill employees 8 people and gives the villagers a place to bring their rice to sell and have it milled (the outer husk is removed) and it is bagged for selling.
We then sat by the Chief's home under the shade of a couple of huge trees and they went and cut coconuts off the coconut palms. They cut the top off and we drink the coconut water and then we get a scoop made from the husk and use it to scoop out the soft coconut meat. It is quite refreshing. After some pictures we headed out for the 4 hour trip back to Accra. Lucky for us the traffic through Casowa Junction was not as heavy as usual (we think it was lighter because Ghana was playing football (soccer) and everyone was watching.)
All in all, it was a good day and we are tired. It was hot and humid. The weather is warming up again for the hot, dry season.
All is well!
Love, Elder and Sister Bullock/Jim and Nancy
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