Monday, 23 December 2013

Couple's conference

We had our couples here from Sierra Leone and Liberia.  We had a great time together and learned a lot of each other.  They are amazing and have done some wonderful humanitarian projects in those countries.  Things are not easy for them there and they were grateful for a little pampering - warm bath/shower, some good food and time to share their experiences and wisdom.  They said it was 'the shot in the arm' they needed to finish their missions.   They go home in a couple of months so we learned a lot from them.   There are replacement couples coming.  Yeah!!   We will do this again with the new couples at the end of March. 
I thought Liberia was the poorer of the two countries but Sierra Leone is.  Civil wars in the countries have really taken a toll.  Luckily the people are able to grow food and survive. 
We had a great video conference with the humanitarian people in Salt Lake City.  We talked and shared with them for 2 1/2 hours.  They appreciated the input from the couples of what is working and what their frustrations are.  Technology is wonderful - we could see each other on the big screen and talk as if we were all in the same room. 
We went on an excursion one day and visited a dam, had a wonderful lunch and then went on a nice boat ride on the Volta River.  It was beautiful on the river and I am attaching a few pictures of what we saw.  ;)

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