Friday, 27 December 2013

Driving in Accra

I know the pictures don't really show what it is really like but on the first two pictures there are no traffic lanes on the right where two rows of cars are trying to butt in.  We just get squished in from both sides and somehow don't get hit or hit anyone else.  It is rather nerve racking.
The 3rd pictures shows what it is like when we stop for a red light.  The vendors come and want to sell all sorts of things - water, soda, snacks, toilet seats, plantain chips, fruit, phone time, sunglasses, towels, baby blankets, toys, etc. etc. etc.    We did our  little bit of Christmas shopping while we were stopped for red lights!  We bought a Scrabble game and a racket that zaps mosquitoes (electrified).   As soon as the light turns green they all scurry to the sides of the streets and walk back up to the lights and start all over again with the next batch of customers.   There are also lots of handicapped and blind beggars at the stop lights.

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